Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Schools in Dehradun

Schools in Dehradun

A newspaper commercial announcing the availability of seats may, at the discretion of the Principal, be released Schools in Dehradun three to four months in the back the academic year is scheduled to commence. Prospective parents are enjoyable to visit the educational as regards speaking any effective hours of day and may register their child for recognition into a particular class in a particular class in a particularly year at any times after the birth of the child.

A non-refundable registration enhance, to be determined and reviewed periodically by the Board of Governors, will be charged from candidates applying for registration going regarding for the prescribed registration when hint to the prescribed registration form. The mere feat of registration will not constitute a guarantee of right to use, which is subject to breakdown, interview and the rules contained herein. All candidates will be required to register, taking into account the registration measures outlined above and unaided registered candidates will be eligible for right of right of entry.

Following registration, all candidates will be notified as to the dates for Entrance Test and Interview.<

The tests for Standard I onwards will be conducted in four written papers, namely, English, Mathematics, Hindi and General Knowledge, based upon the minimal progression levels required at the conclusion of the previous class, according to the School's syllabi.
The interview will be aimed at determining the congruency of the parental reduction of view when that of the School and interpreting the topic scores of students gone regard to their potential, knack, personality, visceral satisfying judgment, sporting skills, aesthetic and creative abilities and any new capabilities deemed remarkable by the Admissions Committee.

Failure to attend the right of adaptableness test/interview without just marginal note will cause the registration to lapse. In such stroke, the candidate's registration will be considered null and deep hole and the Registration press at the forefront paid will be forfeited. The Admission Committee will be the unmovable judge in such cases and may at its discretion conduct substitute test in valid cases, if for that excuse justified.

The results will be compiled strictly upon merit and subject to the provisions contained herein, by the Admissions Committee, as well as which seats will be offered to the candidates in order of merit.Asian is providing peak character education in India, and make a get your hands on of the summit postion along along in addition to the intellectual in dehradun India.

The Admission Committee will be endowed in the mood of the right to renounce the application of any student without assigning any reason whatsoever.

The Admission Documents must be deliberately studied by parents and those items describing the Rules and Regulations of the School remembered and retained by Parents Schools in Dehradun for their own stamp album. Amongst these documents the Visitors List, Clothing List, Travel Instruction, Medical Certificate and Personal Data form must be returned to the School office bearing in mind the child is handed on zenith of to the Housemaster/Housemistress.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Schools in Dehradun

Schools in Dehradun

Accommodation & Foods

The school accommodation Schools in Dehradun Consisting of separate buildings for girls. Junior boys and senior boys is a well co-coordinated facility, with large airy rooms to house 400 students with ease. We have placed much importance on the bathrooms as on the rest of the facility. The toilet areas are scrupulously clean, with hot and cold water supply.

Meals, snacks and soft drinks, including options for non- vegetarians, are available in the school kitchen serving hygienically cooked food.

Non-vegetarian food is served five days in a week and milk three times daily.

The menu comprise of Punjabi, South Indian, Chinese and Continental dishes. To keep pupils in good health, the catering manager actively supervises all kitchen operations supported by a dietician.

The school has an aesthetically designed Multi Cuisine Cafeteria offering a wide variety of International Cuisines, snacks and tuck. The Cafeteria functions, thrice a week.
A newspaper advertisement announcing the availability of seats may, at the discretion of the Principal, be released three to four months before the academic year is scheduled to commence. Prospective parents are welcome to visit the school on any working day and may register their child for admission into a particular class in a particular class in a particularly year at any time after the birth of the child.

A non-refundable registration fee, to be determined and reviewed periodically by the Board of Governors, will be charged from candidates applying for registration on the prescribed registration on the prescribed registration form. The mere act of registration will not constitute a guarantee of admission, which is subject to testing, interview and the rules contained herein. All candidates will be required to register, following the registration procedures outlined above Schools in Dehradun and only registered candidates will be eligible for admission

Friday, 25 November 2016

Schools in Dehradun

Schools in Dehradun

Students will be allowed out for the day or overnight with their parents, on fixed dates as specified in the annual Schools in Dehradun calendar, with prior intimation to the child's Housemaster/Mistress, in writing. Alternately, they may be taken out by other visiting relatives or friends, provided the persons concerned have been entered on the child's 'Visitors List' or produce a current letter of permission from the parents and have informed the Housemaster/Housemistress of their intensions in advance.
The school closes from late May to late July in summers and winter vacations are from early December to late January. The School also has a mid-term break every term, during which students are taken on expeditions or educational tours and may not, under any circumstances, during these breaks, go home.

The School makes travel arrangement and provided an escort to any destination provided there are sufficient students to make this viable and six weeks advance notice is given. children traveling by air will be received from and reached to the airport either in Dehradun or in New Delhi.

A newspaper advertisement announcing the availability of seats may, at the discretion of the Principal, be released three to four months before the academic year is scheduled to commence. Prospective parents are welcome to visit the school on any working day and may register their child for admission into a particular class in a particular class in a particularly year at any time after the birth of the child.

A non-refundable registration fee, to be determined and reviewed periodically by the Board of Governors, will be charged from candidates applying for registration on the prescribed registration on the prescribed registration form. The mere act of registration will not constitute a guarantee of admission, which is subject to testing, interview and the rules contained herein. All candidates will be required to register, following the registration procedures outlined above and only registered candidates will be eligible for admission.

Following registration, all candidates will be notified as to the dates for Entrance Test and Interview.<

The tests for Standard I onwards will be conducted in four written papers, namely, English, Mathematics, Hindi and General Knowledge, based on the minimal Schools in Dehradun development levels required at the conclusion of the previous class, according to the School's syllabus.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Schools in Dehradun

Schools in Dehradun

Accommodation & Foods

The school accommodation Consisting of separate buildings for girls. Junior boys and senior boys is a well co-coordinated facility, with large airy rooms to house 400 students with ease. We have placed much Schools in Dehradun importance on the bathrooms as on the rest of the facility. The toilet areas are scrupulously clean, with hot and cold water supply.

Meals, snacks and soft drinks, including options for non- vegetarians, are available in the school kitchen serving hygienically cooked food.

Non-vegetarian food is served five days in a week and milk three times daily.

The menu comprise of Punjabi, South Indian, Chinese and Continental dishes. To keep pupils in good health, the catering manager actively supervises all kitchen operations supported by a dietician.

The school has an aesthetically designed Multi Cuisine Cafeteria offering a wide variety of International Cuisines, snacks and tuck. The Cafeteria functions, thrice a week.

Academic Facilities

All children want to get the most out of their courses and life at school, but there may well be times when other concerns or problems interfere with that aim. Arrangements have been made to offer personalized counseling to children should they feel the need, as talking through issues at such times can often help identify and resolve matters before they become crises. To enable the students in making judicious selection suitable to their personal aptitudes in career opportunities, they are provided professional guidance by the Lucknow Institute of Career Guidance.

Science Periods
Unlike most schools, where students visit the laboratories only once or twice a week, here most Science Class are conducted in' teaching laboratories'. In addition to Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography laboratories, the School has a state-of-the art Language Laboratory where each child can strengthen individual speaking skills.

Subject Choice
In contract to most other schools a choice of subjects is offered in class IX. Each child must select one subject from each of the six groups...

1. English, 2. Hindi, 3. Social Studies, 4. Science or Economics, 5. Mathematics or Commercial Studies, 6. Computer Science/ Environmental Science/ Music/ Art / Physical Education/Yoga.

Art, Craft, Music, Dance & Yoga
Up to Standard VII, Art, Craft, Music, Dance and Yoga are academic Schools in Dehradun periods in the time-table because we perceive them to be an essential component of the education process. Standard IX onwards, Art, Craft, & Music are not time-tabled, but may be undertaken as Spare Time Activities (STA) during afternoons or as an examination subject

Schools in Dehradun

Schools in Dehradun

All children want to get the most out of their courses and life at school, but there may well be times when other concerns or problems interfere with that aim. Arrangements have been made to offer personalized Schools in Dehradun counseling to children should they feel the need, as talking through issues at such times can often help identify and resolve matters before they become crises. To enable the students in making judicious selection suitable to their personal aptitudes in career opportunities, they are provided professional guidance by the Lucknow Institute of Career Guidance.
Science Periods
Unlike most schools, where students visit the laboratories only once or twice a week, here most Science Class are conducted in' teaching laboratories'. In addition to Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography laboratories, the School has a state-of-the art Language Laboratory where each child can strengthen individual speaking skills.

Subject Choice
In contract to most other schools a choice of subjects is offered in class IX. Each child must select one subject from each of the six groups...

1. English, 2. Hindi, 3. Social Studies, 4. Science or Economics, 5. Mathematics or Commercial Studies, 6. Computer Science/ Environmental Science/ Music/ Art / Physical Education/Yoga.

Art, Craft, Music, Dance & Yoga
Up to Standard VII, Art, Craft, Music, Dance and Yoga are academic periods in the time-table because we perceive them to be an essential component of the education process. Standard IX onwards, Art, Craft, & Music are not time-tabled, but may be undertaken as Spare Time Activities (STA) during afternoons or as an examination subject.

Activity Based Learning
One of the important aspects of a truly good education, particularly at the primary & middle school level, is that learning must activity oriented, with plenty of practical work and Schools in Dehradun provision for concrete learning experiences, rather than mere bookish learning. Their before, all academic facility interiors have been meticulously planned to allow plenty of individual activities and project and project work

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Schools in Dehradun

Schools in Dehradun

Every Asianite is expected to take part in the sport and fitness programme. The School provides an extensive sports Schools in Dehradun and physical education programme.

Facilities include two large playing fields, basketball, tennis and badminton courts, a 25m swimming pool and a gymnasium. Sports include Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Baseball, Boxing, Cricket, Cross Country, Gymnastics, /hockey, Horse Riding, Karate, Soccer, Swimming, Table Tennis, Skating and Shooting.

Trained coaches render scientifically aided training in cricket, football etc.

These coaches are on the lookout for promising talent from a very early age, in order to provide a carefully designed short and long term training regimen to bring out the very best in each individual.

An annual sports programme has been drawn up in conjunction with other schools to ensure that seasons for the respective sports coincide. This will incorporate a calendar of dates for inter-house and inter-school competitions in each of the various sports, as well as friendly matches against local teams.

Uniforms are available in the School, new students are sent a clothing list, detailing the articles to be brought to School by each child. and listing those that the school will supply. Parent must ensure that no more and no less than the articles required are sent with the child. We encourage a sense of equality and parents are advised not to send any expensive personal item's to school with their children, since the school will not, under any circumstances, take responsibility for the loss of any such item's.

School Terms
There are two School terms each year from January to June and from July to December. A child joining or leaving during the currency of a term has to pay the full term's fees.

Late Fee
Fees is to be paid in full by January 7 and July 7 of each year. There will be a penal charge of 2% per month on fee received late. Undue delay in payment of the fee could lead to child's name being struck off the rolls at the discretion of the Principal.

Conduct and Discipline
The School lays emphasis on self-discipline for, without discipline it is not possible to achieve excellence in any field. Discipline is not harsh or humiliating and corporal punishment is not permitted. It is our aim to imbibe in each student a sense of good manners and behaviour and to foster a sense of cooperation and respect for elders. However, keeping the interest of the entire Schools in Dehradun student body in mind, it will be necessary to punish cases of anti social behaviour. In extreme or repeated cases of indiscipline, the School may, for the well-being of the entire community, be forced to expel a student. In such case (s) the decision of the Principal will be final

Monday, 21 November 2016

residential schools of dehradun

residential schools of dehradun

The school accommodation Consisting of separate buildings for girls. Junior boys and senior boys is a well co-coordinated facility, with large airy rooms to house 400 students with ease. We have placed much importance on the bathrooms as on the rest of the facility. The toilet areas are scrupulously clean, with residential schools of dehradun hot and cold water supply.

Meals, snacks and soft drinks, including options for non- vegetarians, are available in the school kitchen serving hygienically cooked food.

Non-vegetarian food is served five days in a week and milk three times daily.

The menu comprise of Punjabi, South Indian, Chinese and Continental dishes. To keep pupils in good health, the catering manager actively supervises all kitchen operations supported by a dietician.

The school has an aesthetically designed Multi Cuisine Cafeteria offering a wide variety of International Cuisines, snacks and tuck. The Cafeteria functions, thrice a week
A non-refundable registration fee, to be determined and reviewed periodically by the Board of Governors, will be charged from candidates applying for registration on the prescribed registration on the prescribed registration form. The mere act of registration will not constitute a guarantee of admission, which is subject to testing, interview and the rules contained herein. All candidates will be required to register, following the registration procedures outlined above and only registered candidates will be eligible for admission.

Following registration, all candidates will be notified as to the dates for Entrance Test and Interview.<

The tests for Standard I onwards will be conducted in four written papers, namely, English, Mathematics, Hindi and General Knowledge, based on the minimal development levels required at the conclusion of the previous class, according to the School's syllabi.

The interview will be aimed at determining the congruency of the parental point of view with that of the School and interpreting the subject scores of students with regard to their potential, aptitude, personality, innate intelligence, sporting skills, aesthetic and creative abilities and any other capabilities deemed remarkable by the Admissions Committee.

Failure to attend the admission test/interview without just reason will cause the registration to lapse. In such case, the candidate's registration will be considered null and void and the Registration fee paid will be forfeited. The Admission Committee will be the final arbitrator in residential schools of dehradun such cases and may at its discretion conduct another test in genuine cases, if so justified

boarding school dehradun

boarding school dehradun

Sports & Games

The School has a boarding school dehradun very large and talented sports faculty consisting of three full time PTI's and eight specialist coaches.

Every Asianite is expected to take part in the sport and fitness programme. The School provides an extensive sports and physical education programme.

Facilities include two large playing fields, basketball, tennis and badminton courts, a 25m swimming pool and a gymnasium. Sports include Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Baseball, Boxing, Cricket, Cross Country, Gymnastics, /hockey, Horse Riding, Karate, Soccer, Swimming, Table Tennis, Skating and Shooting.

Trained coaches render scientifically aided training in cricket, football etc.

These coaches are on the lookout for promising talent from a very early age, in order to provide a carefully designed short and long term training regimen to bring out the very best in each individual.

An annual sports programme has been drawn up in conjunction with other schools to ensure that seasons for the respective sports coincide. This will incorporate a calendar of dates for inter-house and inter-school competitions in each of the various sports, as well as friendly matches against local teams
Admissions in Class IX
Those seeking admission directly to class IX should be aware that, in contrast to most other schools, we offer subject choices at this stage. Entrance test papers are therefore subject specific at this level. Please refer to the paragraph on Academics.

Candidates who are offered admission must avail of the offer within the specified time by paying the necessary admission dues, as defined in the current year's Fee structure and returning duly signed the Indemnity Agreement (on Judicial Stamp Paper), the Uniform Measurement Chart and the Student's Medical History form, failing which the offer of admission will lapse. In such a case, the school will be entitled to offer the place to another candidate in order of merit/position on the waiting list.

On full payment of the admission dues and submission of the relevant documents, candidates will be sent a set of Admission Documents, allotted an admission number and placed on the School rolls.

Once admitted, candidates will be subject to all the rules and boarding school dehradun regulations of the School. Admission dues once paid will not under any circumstances be refundable

co-ed schools of dehradun

Candidates who are offered admission must avail of the offer within 30 days of the School having made such offer, failing which the offer of admission will co-ed schools of dehradun lapse. On full payment of admission dues and submission of the above documents, candidates will receive Admission Documents, allotted an admission number and placed on the School rolls. Admission dues once paid will not, under any circumstances, be refundable.

Admissions in Class IX
Those seeking admission directly to class IX should be aware that, in contrast to most other schools, we offer subject choices at this stage. Entrance test papers are therefore subject specific at this level. Please refer to the paragraph on Academics.

Candidates who are offered admission must avail of the offer within the specified time by paying the necessary admission dues, as defined in the current year's Fee structure and returning duly signed the Indemnity Agreement (on Judicial Stamp Paper), the Uniform Measurement Chart and the Student's Medical History form, failing which the offer of admission will lapse. In such a case, the school will be entitled to offer the place to another candidate in order of merit/position on the waiting list.

On full payment of the admission dues and submission of the relevant documents, candidates will be sent a set of Admission Documents, allotted an admission number and placed on the School rolls.

Once admitted, candidates will be subject to all the rules and regulations of the School. Admission dues once paid will not under any circumstances be refundable.

Vision / Mission

 Be amongst the most admired centers of world-class education to foster academic excellence, physical fitness, psychological and spiritual health and social consciousness, committed to helping students leapfrog co-ed schools of dehradun into the 21st century as independently thinking individuals imbibing traits of initiative and leadership to enable them to become world citizens

Encourage students to develop sound ethical values and exposing them to modern and technologically driven environment thereby strengthening our rich heritage and developing human potential towards the betterment of society.

The school will be truly secular in nature, with no emphasis on any one religion but with exposure to and respect for all religions. It will strive to develop amongst its students an understanding and a respect for the rights and responsibilities involved in being a member of the society as well ecological awareness, being citizens of an endangered world

Conscious efforts are made to inculcate the reading habit and develop communication skills. In the middle section (VI to VIII) teachers integrate technology into the learning process. In the senior section (IX to XII) the focus is on achieving "good results" at the board's examination

residential schools in dehradun

residential schools in dehradun

Vision / Mission

Be amongst the most residential schools in dehradun admired centers of world-class education to foster academic excellence, physical fitness, psychological and spiritual health and social consciousness, committed to helping students leapfrog into the 21st century as independently thinking individuals imbibing traits of initiative and leadership to enable them to become world citizens

Encourage students to develop sound ethical values and exposing them to modern and technologically driven environment thereby strengthening our rich heritage and developing human potential towards the betterment of society.

The school will be truly secular in nature, with no emphasis on any one religion but with exposure to and respect for all religions. It will strive to develop amongst its students an understanding and a respect for the rights and responsibilities involved in being a member of the society as well ecological awareness, being citizens of an endangered world

Conscious efforts are made to inculcate the reading habit and develop communication skills. In the middle section (VI to VIII) teachers integrate technology into the learning process. In the senior section (IX to XII) the focus is on achieving "good results" at the board's examination.
Candidates who are offered admission must avail of the offer within 30 days of the School having made such offer, failing which the offer of admission will lapse. On full payment of admission dues and submission of the above documents, candidates will receive Admission Documents, allotted an admission number and placed on the School rolls. Admission dues once paid will not, under any circumstances, be refundable.

Admissions in Class IX
Those seeking admission directly to class IX should be aware that, in contrast to most other schools, we offer subject choices at this stage. Entrance test papers are therefore subject specific at this level. Please refer to the paragraph on Academics.

Candidates who are offered admission must avail of the offer within the specified time by paying the necessary admission dues, as defined in the current year's Fee structure and returning duly signed the Indemnity Agreement (on Judicial Stamp Paper), the Uniform Measurement Chart and the Student's Medical History form, failing which the offer of admission will lapse. In such a case, the school will be entitled to offer the place to another candidate in order of merit/position on the waiting list.

On full payment of the admission dues and submission of the relevant documents, candidates will be sent a set of Admission Documents, allotted an admission residential schools in dehradun number and placed on the School rolls.

Once admitted, candidates will be subject to all the rules and regulations of the School. Admission dues once paid residential schools in dehradun will not under any circumstances be refundable

best boarding school in dehradun

best boarding school in dehradun

IT Education

The Learning best boarding school in dehradun Resource Center is the hub of all intellectual and academic activities of the School.

The library has a large pool of resources viz. latest literature in fields as diverse as information technology, science, general knowledge and the like. Besides, periodicals, journals and reference keep the students up-to-date with the latest.

Students are encouraged to use the facilities for reference, studying and borrowing.

The Learning Resource Center is also equipped with a Computer and curriculum based CDS on all subjects for ready reference
It is very import to offer a rich selection of co-curricular activities to students of all ages. It is only through this exposure that a child becomes aware of its special interests and talents. This in turn allows a child to receive appreciation and acclaim and to grow in confidence. This confidence then gets reflected in other areas leading to all around growth and progress.

The nature and range of these activities are not static and continue to evolve as per the interess and talents of the student body and the faculty.

Co-curricular activities offered include Karate, skating, yoga, music, kathak, dramatics, drawing, batik, debates, quizzing, painting, tie & dye, clay modeling and pottery, sculpture, Indian dance and Indian & western music, hobbies, publication, special interest clubs and societies, as also community services. special courses in rock climbing, rifle shooting and horse riding are organized from time to time. Every child attends an activity period at least once daily.

Their achievements are showcased during this week long founder's day Celebrations held annually. There are clubs and societies for English & Hindi debating, dramatics, creative writing & poetry recitation, for gardening, software programming, etiquette, quiz, chess, mathematics, electronics, nature, scholastics, tiger preservation and so on.

Publications include a school newsletter 'Asianite' and an annual magazine 'colors'. Community service includes visits to an old age home, educating the community service includes visits to an old age home, educating the community on waste best boarding school in dehradun management, campus cleanliness and specific projects in the wider community

best school in Dehradun

Accommodation & Foods

The school accommodation Consisting of separate buildings for girls. Junior boys and senior boys is a well co-coordinated facility, with large airy rooms to house 400 students with ease. We have placed much best school in Dehradun importance on the bathrooms as on the rest of the facility. The toilet areas are scrupulously clean, with hot and cold water supply.

Meals, snacks and soft drinks, including options for non- vegetarians, are available in the school kitchen serving hygienically cooked food.

Non-vegetarian food is served five days in a week and milk three times daily.

The menu comprise of Punjabi, South Indian, Chinese and Continental dishes. To keep pupils in good health, the catering manager actively supervises all kitchen operations supported by a dietician.

The school has an aesthetically designed Multi Cuisine Cafeteria offering a wide variety of International Cuisines, snacks and tuck. The Cafeteria functions, thrice a week


Vacations & Outings
Students will be allowed out for the day or overnight with their parents, on fixed dates as specified in the annual calendar, with prior intimation to the child's Housemaster/Mistress, in writing. Alternately, they may be taken out by other visiting relatives or friends, provided the persons concerned have been entered on the child's 'Visitors List' or produce a current letter of permission from the parents and have informed the Housemaster/Housemistress of their intensions in advance.

The school closes from late May to late July in summers and winter vacations are from early December to late January. The School also has a mid-term break every term, during which students are taken on expeditions or educational tours and may not, under any circumstances, during these breaks, go home.

The School makes travel arrangement and provided an escort to any destination provided there are sufficient students to make this viable and six weeks best school in Dehradun advance notice is given. children traveling by air will be received from and reached to the airport either in Dehradun or in New Delhi

best boarding school of dehradun

best boarding school of dehradun

Accommodation & Foods

The school accommodation Consisting of separate buildings for girls. Junior boys and senior boys is a well best boarding school of dehradun co-coordinated facility, with large airy rooms to house 400 students with ease. We have placed much importance on the bathrooms as on the rest of the facility. The toilet areas are scrupulously clean, with hot and cold water supply.

Meals, snacks and soft drinks, including options for non- vegetarians, are available in the school kitchen serving hygienically cooked food.

Non-vegetarian food is served five days in a week and milk three times daily.

The menu comprise of Punjabi, South Indian, Chinese and Continental dishes. To keep pupils in good health, the catering manager actively supervises all kitchen operations supported by a dietician.

The school has an aesthetically designed Multi Cuisine Cafeteria offering a wide variety of International Cuisines, snacks and tuck. The Cafeteria functions, thrice a week.

Sports & Games

The School has a very large and talented sports faculty consisting of three full time PTI's and eight specialist coaches.

Every Asianite is expected to take part in the sport and fitness programme. The School provides an extensive sports and physical education programme.

Facilities include two large playing fields, basketball, tennis and badminton courts, a 25m swimming pool and a gymnasium. Sports include Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Baseball, Boxing, Cricket, Cross Country, Gymnastics, /hockey, Horse Riding, Karate, Soccer, Swimming, Table Tennis, Skating and Shooting.

Trained coaches render scientifically aided training in cricket, football etc.

These coaches are on the lookout for promising talent from a very early age, in order to provide a carefully designed short and long term training regimen to bring out the very best in each individual.

An annual sports programme has been drawn up in conjunction with other schools to ensure that seasons for the respective sports coincide. This will incorporate a calendar of dates for inter-house and inter-school competitions in each of the best boarding school of dehradun various sports, as well as friendly matches against local teams

best boarding school in dehradun residential school

best boarding school in dehradun residential school

To bring together the traditions and ethos of India and modern technology in an environment where every child is an individual, The Asian School offers English medium, secular, co-educational education from best boarding school in dehradun residential school classes Nursery to XII. The School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education.
There is no better place for a child to appreciate the joys of nature and to become environmentally conscious. The view of the Himalayas from the school, the abundance of trees and the chatter of a myriad variety of birds enhance the joy of learning. We believe that responding positively to the genuine needs of our students determines our success.

The School is situated on a 16 acre campus, 'Asian Acres' , in tranquil and verdant environs. The academic building is an impressive structure designed by a well-known group of architects from New Delhi. The residential area is set amidst greenery with students being provided their own recreational area. We have 4 hostels, 2 for senior boys, 1 for junior boys and 1 separate hostel for girls.

A housemaster, tutors and a matron live within the Student House providing round the clock supervision. The students are housed in three separate hostels - one each for junior boys, senior boys and girls. The hostels are so located that the senior boys do not have easy access to the girls, hostels. A 25m swimming pool, table tennis and badminton halls, gymnasium, three larger sports fields, dining hall, activity rooms and a gymnasium provide activity-based experiences and leisure pursuits for the children in their spare time.

Conscious efforts are made to inculcate the reading habit and develop communication skills. In the middle section (VI to VIII) teachers integrate technology into best boarding school in dehradun residential school  the learning process. In the senior section (IX to XII) the focus is on achieving "good results" at the board's examination.


  • A faculty of close to 100 educators has been carefully selected on the basis of their subject expertise and compassion for children.
  • Their competence is constantly enhanced through regular exposure to workshops and seminars on recent teaching technology and pedagogical advancement.
  • The faculty has been formally trained in the preparation of animated lessons in all subjects on the computer.
  • They attended a workshop on "Excellence in Teaching" to enhance their professional capabilities

Schools in Dehradun

Schools in Dehradun

Facilities include two large playing fields, basketball, tennis and badminton courts, a 25m swimming pool and Schools in Dehradun a gymnasium. Sports include Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Baseball, Boxing, Cricket, Cross Country, Gymnastics, /hockey, Horse Riding, Karate, Soccer, Swimming, Table Tennis, Skating and Shooting.

Trained coaches render scientifically aided training in cricket, football etc.

These coaches are on the lookout for promising talent from a very early age, in order to provide a carefully designed short and long term training regimen to bring out the very best in each individual.

An annual sports programme has been drawn up in conjunction with other schools to ensure that seasons for the respective sports coincide. This will incorporate a calendar of dates for inter-house and inter-school competitions in each of the various sports, as well as friendly matches against local teams.

Accommodation & Foods

The school accommodation Consisting of separate buildings for girls. Junior boys and senior boys is a well co-coordinated facility, with large airy rooms to house 400 students with ease. We have placed much importance on the bathrooms as on the rest of the facility. The toilet areas are scrupulously clean, with hot and cold water supply.

Meals, snacks and soft drinks, including options for non- vegetarians, are available in the school kitchen serving hygienically cooked food.

Non-vegetarian food is served five days in a week and milk three times daily.

The menu comprise of Punjabi, South Indian, Chinese and Continental Schools in Dehradun dishes. To keep pupils in good health, the catering manager actively supervises all kitchen operations supported by a dietician.

The school has an aesthetically designed Multi Cuisine Cafeteria offering a wide variety of International Cuisines, snacks and tuck. The Cafeteria functions, thrice a wee

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