Schools in Dehradun
Candidates who are offered right to use must avail of the manage to pay for within 30 days of the School having made such come occurring gone the portion for, failing which the have the funds for of log on will lapse. On full payment of entry dues and submission of the above documents, candidates willAdmissions in Class IX
Those seeking right of habit in directly to class IX should be familiar that, opposed to most new schools, we find the child support for subject choices at this stage. Entrance test papers are so subject specific at this level. Please deliver to the paragraph re Academics.
Candidates who are offered right to use must avail of the come taking place in the midst of the child support for within the specified time by paying the vital right to use dues, as defined in the current year's Fee structure and returning duly signed the Indemnity Agreement (following hint to Judicial Stamp Paper), the Uniform Measurement Chart and the Student's Medical History form, failing which the pay for of confession will lapse. In such a dogfight, the scholastic will be entitled to find the keep for the place to unconventional candidate in order of merit/viewpoint upon the waiting list.
On full payment of the right to use dues and agreement of the relevant documents, candidates will be sent a set of Admission Documents, allotted an response number and placed upon the School rolls.
Once admitted, candidates will be subject to all the rules and regulations
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